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I follow the chicken[]


I had a vision back when I was a child that nobody else in the world could recognize but myself. I know where Osama bin laden is today. I know the cure for SARS today. I know many many things in this world today that other people don't recognize or don't understand and don't know simply because I follow the chicken. That sounds stupid,that sounds unrealistic, you think it's childish but the national bird is the eagle. The international bird is the chicken. Chicken will carry you down the darkest alleys of the world safely. The eagle will take you down that road by yourself to get you killed. The chicken will take you down there and sleep you in the attics of Muslims, it'll sleep you in the hotels of kings in the palaces of kings and queens. I lived with the mayor of Djibouti. I lived with the daughter of the advisor to the president of the Philippines. I've been to Guadalajara. I've been around the world six times on the back of a chicken. With lightning striking me and trees falling on me and hail storms and rain storms and snakes... I've been bit by snakes and bit by spiders and stung by hornets and wasps and thieves have shot at me and everything else. Do you know why I did all that? For the chickens. Why would I do all that for the chickens? Because I said like whatsoever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord. I've been feeding those chickens for God 30 years.God uses the forces of the world to confound the wise and he manifests his strength through weakness. I think you can reflect back on enough Bible stories to kind of get an idea as to what I'm referring to. In man's opinion, the eagle is the stronger of the birds, but the game chicken is really the... The game Chicken won't run. The chicken is man's best friend. Well, dogs. You can say a dog is a dog everywhere too, but the chicken is the international bird because it is the food supply for all of the human races. The man that knows the chicken as well as I do has a home in any culture of people on the face of the Earth.
